Thursday, April 29, 2010

Herb Harvesting and Random Nature Notes

Went to my family's house in the Catskills for a few days, and harvested coltsfoot for a cough I can't get rid of. This is my first time harvesting and using fresh herbs, so still researching... will also get in touch with an herbalist friend of mine to check in about this.

Bummed that we missed the Elder Faith's Beltane celebration on Saturday... such a beautiful day, but we really needed to get on the road. As it was, it took us over 6 hours to get out to the cabin. Totally worth it though... (always is).

Random nature notes from today's short walk at work:

  • Saw and heard my first sharp-shinned hawk of the season
  • Really strong wind makes me feel small and insignificant (am I the only person who feels this way?)
  • Heard a red-wing black bird calling the end of it's 'konk-la-ree' call (which would just be the 'ree' part, I suppose) over and over again on the course, despite all the wind and blowing trees

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